There should be a number on the back of your insurance card that you can call to ask questions about out-of-network (OON) reimbursement. In general, most PPO plans (not HMO) have OON benefits. I would be considered an OON provider, and you would be receiving individual counseling or family therapy, out-patient mental health services with a licensed clinical social worker.
Are mental/behavioral health services (Current Procedural Terminology/CPT codes 90837 for individual therapy, or 90847 for couples therapy) covered by my out-of-network benefits?
What is my out-of-network deductible?
How much of my out-of-network deductible has already been met?
What is my policy period?
How much of the fee is reimbursed for out-of-network providers?
How do I submit for reimbursement?
How long do I have to submit my Suberbill?
How long will it take to be reimbursed for sessions after I have submitted my claims?
Is approval required from my primary care physician?
Will you reimburse for 2 sessions in a week?
Most insurance companies have a way to submit claims through their website or client portal. A lot of my clients like using Reimbursify which is an online service that will do your out-of-network billing for you. They charge $1.99 per reimbursement claim (you receive a check in the mail if your reimbursement is accepted). However, if your claim is rejected by your insurance company, Reimbursify will help you to resolve it, and there is never any additional charge if you need to resubmit an updated claim for the visit. Contact HZB Therapy to schedule your couples therapy session.